
Fraud Investigation

definition of fraud investigation

Fraud occurs with a knowing misrepresentation of the truth or the omission of material facts to induce another with detriment. Fraud ranges from simply failing to declare assets in on a financial statement or bankruptcy schedules to more elaborate schemes. Fraud often involves the concealment of assets, inaccurate accounting for transactions or misrepresentation of significant information.

Fraud investigation and analysis requires experience and training to detect the indicators of fraud, undercover the concealment of assets, and correctly identify misstatements and inaccurate in transactions and financial statements.

Asher Meyers has years of experience and training in conducting fraud examinations, identifying indicators of fraud and assisting in the quantification of losses.

Red flags and indicators of Fraud include:

  • Missing material information or support
  • Assets or activity reflected on financial statements not properly recorded
  • Failure to maintain complete and accurate business records